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The top 10 ways to improve your supply chain strategy

10 advanced techniques to improve your supply chain strategy


A robust supply chain strategy is crucial in today’s interconnected and rapidly evolving global economy. Problems that businesses face include shifting consumer preferences, interruptions in supply, and an increasing focus on sustainability. This article delves into ten cutting-edge methods, in order to keep supply chain tactics robust, efficient, and competitive.

7 min read November 22, 2024
What is supply chain optimisation? Automation technologies in modern supply chains

What is supply chain optimisation?


Supply chain optimisation is the key to navigating today's rapidly evolving manufacturing landscape. By improving their operations and logistics, businesses can reach greater levels of efficiency. This refinement also leads to strategic agility. As a result, companies position themselves to adapt to new challenges and seize opportunities.

6 min read November 1, 2024
The biggest causes of supply chain disruptions

The increasing causes of supply chain disruptions


Over the course of the past twenty years, supply chain resilience has been put to the test. Time after time major and unexpected events catch global supply networks unaware. Often starting as a local issue in one part of the world, our global interconnectivity sees the reach and impact of each event multiply. Each time the different causes of supply chain disruptions become inevitable as the normal way of life adapts and changes.

7 min read October 4, 2024